Blood while you are in Menopause?
Blood between periods?
If it is endometrial cancer, an immediate visit to the gynaecologist can save you.
Endometrial cancer is the most common gynaecological cancer. It occurs mainly in menopausal women, but it can also occur in women of childbearing age. The good thing about this cancer is that if it is diagnosed at an early stage there is a cure. That is why any woman who has bleeding other than the usual or vaginal bleeding during menopause should immediately visit her gynaecologist.
What symptoms does endometrial cancer cause?
The main symptom of endometrial cancer is the bleeding that may occur:
- in menopause, even if it is only traces or drops of blood, brown, pink or red,
- out of season,
- with increased blood flow and increased duration of the period,
- after sexual intercourse.
Who are the partiesFactors mcan cause cancer of the endometrium?
The most important factors associated with the development of endometrial cancer are:
- Obesity as fat produces oestrogen which predisposes to breast or endometrial cancer.
- Taking medicines for breast cancer (tamoxifen).
- The metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus.
- Prolonged exposure to oestrogen, such as in women who have many chronic periods or polycystic ovaries.
- History of other gynaecological cancers.
- Atypia or endometrial polyp.
How is endometrial cancer diagnosed?
The appearance of even one of the above symptoms should immediately motivate the woman to go to her gynaecologist. During the visit, a Pap test and a vaginal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries will be performed. At a second time a diagnostic curettage or even better an invasive hysteroscopy will be needed to take biopsies. The biopsies will show us the type of cancer .Preoperatively the doctor will also ask for an imaging test with CT and MRI scan. Then the type of surgery will be determined. Finally, from the histological examination of the uterus and lymph nodes it will be decided whether additional chemotherapy and radiotherapy will be needed.
How is endometrial cancer treated?
The treatment plan for endometrial cancer depends on the type of cancer, the stage it is in, the general health of the patient and the desire for future pregnancy.
If endometrial cancer is diagnosed at an early stage and the woman is infertile, conservative treatment is possible to preserve the uterus and ovaries for the purpose of childbearing. This requires special treatment and very close monitoring. The woman will have her baby and then undergo surgery to remove the uterus to prevent a recurrence.
However, the most common treatment for endometrial cancer is the surgical approach, through laparoscopic hysterectomy or robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery and sentinel lymph node biopsy or pelvic lymphadenectomy.