Drama, with its unique natural and cultural treasures, exceptional thematic tourism experiences, and high-quality hospitality infrastructure, has successfully captured the interest of the Romanian market. In a dedicated event held on November 21 in Bucharest, the region showcased all the features that make it a premier destination, inviting Romanian travelers to explore its charm.
Presentation of the Greek Tourism Offering by GNTO Romania Head, G. Kakoutis
The event, organized by the GNTO Office in Romania, the Municipality of Drama, and the Drama Hoteliers’ Association, attracted the attention of Romanian tourism professionals and journalists. Attendees had the opportunity to discover the area’s distinctive tourism potential. Representatives from leading tour operators (TOs), tourism organizations, and journalists from Romania’s top media outlets participated, offering Drama a significant opportunity to enhance its visibility as a destination.
The promotional event for Drama attracted keen interest from Romanian tourism industry professionals.
The event was coordinated by George Kakoutis, Head of the GNTO Office in Romania. Key local figures, including Yiannis Georgiadis, Deputy Mayor of Tourism for the Municipality of Drama, Angelos Kallias, President of the Drama Hoteliers’ Association, and Petros Paraskevaidis, President of the Cultural Organization of Drama, presented the destination and the unique experiences it offers.
The event also featured a welcome address by Konstantinos Dikaros, Head of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Office in Bucharest, on behalf of the Greek Ambassador. Among the attendees were Nikos Vlachakis, Head of the Public Diplomacy Office in Bucharest, other officials from the Greek Embassy, and Eleni Michailidou from the Drama Hoteliers’ Association.
The Head of the Economic and Commercial Affairs Office in Bucharest, K. Dikaros (first from the right), delivers the opening remarks at the event. Next to him (from left to right) are the President of the Drama Hoteliers’ Association, A. Kallias, the President of the Drama Cultural Organization, P. Paraskevaidis, and the Deputy Mayor of Tourism for the Municipality of Drama, G. Georgiadis.
Following the presentation, the Romanian professionals expressed their enthusiasm for the advantages of this Greek destination, with many showing a keen interest in visiting Drama soon. This reflects a growing trend for experiential tourism in Greece’s mainland regions.
At the sidelines of the event in Bucharest, pictured (from left) are two executives from the Romanian tourism market, along with G. Georgiadis, Deputy Mayor of Tourism of Drama; G. Kakoutis, Head of the Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO) Office in Romania; P. Paraskevaidis, President of the Cultural Organization of Drama; and A. Kallias, President of the Hotel Association of Drama.
This initiative is part of the broader GNTO strategy to promote and highlight thematic tourism experiences in mainland Greece, aiming to boost tourism flows throughout the year.
With outstanding infrastructure, unparalleled natural beauty, and a rich cultural heritage, Drama is becoming increasingly appealing to international visitors.